Well, at nap time on Friday I asked him where he wanted to sleep and he said "NO CRIB Mummy, Big boy bed!" So he grabbed his blanket and hopped in. It took him a while to fall asleep, but eventually he did! Friday night was more of the same, and ever since he's been sleeping in his big boy bed like a champ! On Saturday as I was tucking him in he looked me right in the eyes and said: "Mummy, I love my big boy bed." TOO FREAKIN' CUTE!!!
Here are some pictures of him in his big-boy bed:
Now that Quinn's in his big boy room and bed, we are officially ready for the baby to arrive. The carpet is being installed in the basement as I type, so by the end of the day the basement will officially be DONE!!! Can I get a huge YAHOO!!!!! Chris has been working so hard to get all the last little details done, and now with the carpet in we finally have our basement back.
One last picture to share: last week Quinn was under the weather so we pulled him into our bed in the morning so he could sleep a little better. I got up before Chris and Quinn and managed to snap this picture of my two sleeping beauties:
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