Aidan has been DYING to set-up all our Halloween decorations ever since we visited the Halloween section at Wal-Mart a few weeks ago. Now we don't have a ton of things, but the child is obsessed with getting everything ready. Sooo.... I told him he'd have to wait until Oct. 1 before we set-up anything. Well, thanks to Nanna's calendar, first thing he says when he woke up on Monday was: Can we carve our pumpkin now Mummy?
Well, that afternoon we pulled everything out and set it up. He and Quinn were beyond excited about seeing the witch 'smashed' into the door, the scarecrow and skeleton up, etc. In fact, every time we leave the house now they have to go and check on all the decorations!
In other news, Aidan starts instructional hockey on Sunday. We headed out on the weekend to buy all of his equipment. Can I just say how absolutely ridiculous it is that hockey equipment for a 4.5 year old costs so much?? Chris and I were totally blown away by how much we had to get (jock, neck guard, mouth guard, etc) and how much everything costs. The good news is that when I tried the equipment on Aidan yesterday he loved it. He was prancing around the basement in his pads and doing a little pose-down show for me. Hopefully he'll love it as much when he gets on the ice on Sunday!
We are now officially 9 days away from d-day. The waiting game continues until our little girl decides to make her grand entrance....
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