Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treat!

Well yesterday was a busy day. Both Quinn and Aidan had Halloween parties at their schools (well, Quinn was at daycare which we call his 'little school'). I went in to help Aidan's class with their Halloween parade and party. It was so cute!

Then they came home, wolfed down some dinner and out they went trick or treating. Quinn was a little reluctant to put his costume on, but once I told him that he couldn't get any candy unless he wore his costume it went on in a hurry! They had so much fun going from house to house. It was hysterical to hear Quinn say "sass you" to everyone (in Quinn-speak that means Thank-you).

They got sooooooooooooo..... much candy. I can't believe how much they came back with. AND they even got cans of soda - who gives out soda for Halloween? So far I've taken half the chocolate and put it in the freezer to try to avoid eating it in the next few days. We'll see how successful that effort is!!

Here are some pictures from their adventure last night:

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