Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Hustle and Bustle

The Christmas crush is certainly upon us: it seems like the days are just flying by! On Saturday we went to the Christmas tree farm, and we had a fantastic time. The day was just glorious, sunny, warm (well, warm for December!) and we had a great time cutting down the tree, riding the train and ponies, and sitting by the campfire. The tree is now in the house, and I'm just waiting for the branches to fall a bit before the decorating madness begins.

On Sunday we took it easy, and just lounged around. After dinner Chris brought out the spotlight and we went skating in the backyard rink for the first time. Aidan had so much fun! He kept saying: "We're doing midnight skating mummy!!" Here are some pics:

Today we had a Christmas party at our playgroup, and all three kids got presents from Santa. Quinn kept running up to Santa saying: "Santa, want mixer and blender peez!!" (translation: Santa, I want a mixer and blender please!". It was too cute!

Finally, the other night we gave Shannon a bath, and she was just too cute. She was totally relaxed and just loving life. Check it out:

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