And now for your weekend update:
On Saturday, we went over to Karen's place and celebrated the James Christmas since Heidi, Robert and little Robert were in town. It was a really nice time and the kids had a blast playing with each other. Both kids were exhausted when we left, and Quinn fell asleep in the car on the way home (around 5:45 or so). Well, the poor little bugger was so tired he never woke up! We stripped him down, put on his PJs and put him in bed, and we didn't hear from him until 7:30 the next morning!
Saturday night was also a big night for Miss Shannon. She went to sleep at 11:15 p.m. and didn't wake up until 7:15 a.m. Yep, we got a solid 8 hours of sleep!! I felt like a new woman!
On Sunday we had snow, snow, and more snow. We got about 6 - 8 inches of snow, which for us is MASSIVE!! We shoveled the driveway twice, and Chris and I each had to help push cars out of our street (of course Aidan thought that it was soooo..... cool that Mummy and Daddy pushed cars!). But, it was a pretty awesome day as we just hung around, played in the snow and hung out with the neighbours. I have to say though, I am sooooo..... tired and sore today from all that shoveling AND dragging Aidan back from the toboggan hill (the snow was so deep the kids couldn't really walk so we just piled them into the sleds and then pulled them home. I tell ya, I felt like a sled-dog!)
Today things are mostly back to normal, and everything looks very festive covered in a big blanket of snow. However, Aidan is quite concerned that Santa's not going to be able to see our house since a lot of the Christmas lights are buried under the snow. I've told him that Santa will have no problem finding our house, but I'm not sure that he bought it.
Just a reminder: t-minus 8 days and counting!!
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