Friday, January 11, 2008

I have the best husband!

In case you didn't know it, I have the best hubby ever.

Yesterday I was feeling really lousy because I caught Quinn's head cold (it's the gift that keeps on giving baby!) At about noon I totally hit a wall and literally couldn't function. I had a fever, a congestion headache (which I can't take anything for because I'm breastfeeding), and my nose may as well have been a faucet.

So I was lying on the couch with Shannon, while the boys were playing. At about 1:00 I said to Quinn: "Quinn, you've got to go upstairs, go potty and get into bed". (Because I physically could not take him to do it). So Aidan says: "Mummy, I'll take him". Aidan took him upstairs, put him on the toilet, and then put him in bed (he couldn't get his underwear and pants back on so Quinn went to bed with a bare bum!). Aidan then 'read' Quinn a story and tucked him in - how sweet is that!!

Meanwhile, I had now moved upstairs to my bed and was pretty much passed out while Aidan watched some TV. At about 2:00 or so, I had a fever of 101.5, and knew I couldn't take any more, so I called Chris. He came home, took all three kids to Tim Horton's so I could sleep, made dinner, did the laundry and then took the kids out again. How awesome is he?!?!

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