Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Quote of the moment

I came across this quote and thought that it was too perfect:

"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect; it means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections."

The past few weeks have been pretty rough on me. I think it's been a combination of things, including: the crappy winter-weather, hormones, and Aidan's behaviour. Our vacation totally screwed up Aidan. For some reason the change in routine and scenery affected him really badly and his behaviour went totally downhill. He was wild, disobediant, out of control, etc. Thankfully I think getting back to normal has really helped us and he's just about back to his normal, exuberant self.

The fact that it looks like spring might almost be here is also really helping. We actually went for a walk after dinner last night and it was fantastic! The boys were just trucking along talking about anything and everything, and we were out enjoying each other and the mild weather. I think I may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and have learned that life and kids are certainly far from perfect, but it's the imperfections that make it so special.

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