Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day and: I did it!

We had a great weekend. On Saturday we took the kids to the Funfest where neither of them really wanted to do much of anything except find all the candy and gum they could! They still enjoyed themselves though. We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out and going to the pool, and in the evening Tush, Dave and the kids came over.

Sunday was the big day: Father's Day and the Boys Home 10K. I woke up on Sunday feeling pretty good so I decided to go ahead and try the run. Well I certainly didn't break any land-speed records, but I finished the damn race!! My back actually felt really good during the race - too bad my cardio absolutely SUCKED since I hadn't run in two weeks. But, at least I accomplished my goal of running the race!

Sunday was also Father's Day so a big shout out and lots of love to all the Dad's out there, especially to Chris, my Dad, and Mac. We headed over to Brigitte's house in the afternoon and had a great time there. Aidan could NOT get enough of the dipping pool, despite the fact that his lips were purple and he was shivering - but he swears he wasn't cold!! Quinn had a blast playing with Adam and Emma, and Ms. Shannon was her usual smiley self - charming everyone!!

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