Friday, June 6, 2008


Well, in our mad rush to finish the basement bathroom before all of our guests arrive this weekend I was painting like a mad-woman. On Monday I said to Chris: "Gee, my back's really sore". To which he replied: "Well, you've been painting so it makes sense."

Fast forward to Tuesday: I was putting the kids in the car to go to playgroup, and I put Shannon (who is still in the portable car seat thingy) in. My entire lower back completely and totally seized up. I was in agony! I couldn't even bend over to pick Shannon, let alone anything else below waist-level, up.

I went to the chiropractor and he said that I had a severe strain of the lower back muscles. He basically said: "Yep, it sucks, and the only thing you can do is rest it so that the muscles loosen."

Ummmm.... rest it? I have my Mom's 60th birthday party (which I'm hosting!) tomorrow, plus Shannon's baptism on Sunday, plus my 10km run next weekend. Note to back: This is the ABSOLUTE WORST time for you to seize up!!!

So I'm walking around pretty gingerly, and taking lots of Advil and using lots of ice packs. But, no rest for the wicked - there's just too much to do!!

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