Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Magic of Christmas Lights

Our boys (particularly Aidan) have an absolute fascination, no - obsession - with Christmas lights. So much so, that Aidan can remember exactly where each strand of Christmas lights go when we decorate the outside of our house. (Let me highlight that he is 5 1/2). If you give the child a few strands of Christmas lights he can entertain himself for a solid hour (minimum) setting up different 'creations' with the lights.

We put our lights up about two weeks ago, but our rule is not to turn the lights on until Dec. 1. Well, every time we are out driving Aidan pipes up about a new house he sees that has its lights on. We routinely hear comments like: "Look Mummy, that house has it's lights up and on." or, "Daddy, that's a crazy house - look at all the lights." Quinn of course joins right in the merriment, chiming in: "I see it too Ee-den" or, "Mummy, you must have missed it."

I think we've probably fostered this love of lights with our annual Christmas drive tradition. Every year we put the kids in their PJs, pack them in the car, crank up the Christmas carols and drive for about half an hour to an hour just to look at all the houses decorated with lights. The kids just love doing this, and have already started to ask when we're going for our Christmas drive this year.

Just today when we were driving to school Aidan said: "Mummy, if we had a bigger front yard we could REALLY go crazy with lights. And if our backyard was bigger we could do the back too." Whenever we are in a store and the kids see Christmas lights they ask: "Mummy, can we get more lights?"

It is just so adorable to see how absolutely enchanted the kids are over Christmas lights and decorations. I know it has nothing to do with the true meaning of Christmas, but it is magical nonetheless. I just wonder how long this particular magic is going to last....

1 comment:

Two Sisters, Two Brothers... One Very Busy Mother said...

We have the same tradition with our kids-touring the city to see all the decorated homes. It is one of my favorite childhood memories too. My parents used to do it with us and now my mom takes my 91 yr. old Grandma. The circle of life.