Sunday, November 9, 2008

Survey says......

On Thursday I went in for my second ultrasound. Everything looks great with the baby, and it was busy putting on a little show for the ultrasound technician and I. When we came to the especially important part of determining the gender, the results were a little fuzzy (literally and figuratively!) The technician agreed that we think it's a girl, but we can't be 100% sure. So, we'll have to see if the radiologist has any better luck making a determination. But for now we think we're going to have an even balance of power in our house - 2 boys and 2 girls!! Should make for an interesting household!

On a totally different note, I love to keep track of what the kids say, because they always come up with great gems. The latest came during a conversation I was having with Aidan. I was explaining to him that instead of putting the Christmas tree in the living room (where we usually have it), this year I'm putting it in the Dining room so that Shannon can't get to it. After a few questions about the tree's new location Aidan paused. Then he said: "Mummy, why are you going to make Santa walk further to get to the tree?" Oh - my - gosh!! Out of the mouths of babes!!

1 comment:

Two Sisters, Two Brothers... One Very Busy Mother said...

Whatever the gender, your littlest one will be perfectly suited for your fam. I can't wait to meet this baby with the most adorable profile!