My Aidan is the one with his shirt on:

They told us they were trying to create a 'masterpiece':

Well this weekend I was over at this same friend's house and Quinn and Clark (the younger brother of the other Aidan) were upstairs playing. Angie and I were in the basement with the babies when suddenly my Aidan comes running downstairs and says: "Mummy, the little guys are throwing baby powder all over the place!" Angie and I ran upstairs to discover that Quinn and Clark had dumped out an ENTIRE bottle of baby powder and spread it all over the upstairs hall, Clark's bedroom, and anywhere else the powder could settle. They said they were trying to make 'booby traps' so that the grown-ups couldn't get in.
Sigh.... clearly the 'making a mess' gene has been passed from big to little brothers. Unfortunately we were too busy cleaning it up and keeping the babies out of the powder to get pictures this time around! Thankfully Angie has the disposition of a saint and said: "well, I needed to clean up here anyways!"
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