Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bye Bye "Sou Sou"

As many of you know, Shannon LOVES her soother (affectionately known as 'sou sou'). A couple of days before her birthday, Chris and I started talking to her about how once she's two, 'sou sou' is going to go bye-bye because big girls don't need soothers. She wasn't overly impressed, but didn't argue.

Well, on her birthday last week we said: "Shannon, now you're two so no more sou sou." She protested a bit, but that was it. The first night she cried for about half an hour, the second night for about two minutes. Now when you ask her about her soother she says: "I twwwwwwooooooooo" (picture the little cutie exaggerating the word two). It was hard over the weekend because she was sick, and it would have been really easy to dig the soother out and pop it in her mouth to make her happy.

Just today I finally threw all the soothers in the garbage - it is officially the end of an era!!!

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