Friday, August 27, 2010

An Ode to Lego

Oh Lego, how I hate thee.
You're continual existence is a royal pain for me.

Red, yellow, blue, green...
the amount of pieces is truly obscene.

Planes, tanks, towers and more,
you fall to pieces all over my floor.

You engender fantastic creations with great imagination,
But are a constant source of great frustration.

No matter how carefully we build with you,
You collapse and shatter and we must start a-new.

Small bits, large bits, teeny bits too....
I have sore feet and a messy house because of you!!

I've tried to organize, divide, and separate,
Only to find you scattered everywhere - renewing my hate.

I find you in the most unlikely of places,
Under tables and couches, and stuck to faces.

Stepping on you leads to quite a scene,
Hopping around in agony, while uttering words obscene.

So Lego we remain at an impasse,
I tolerate you for now.... until I throw you out - en-mass!


Clearly, the great poets of the world have nothing to fear from me.
Feel free to add your own verse or three!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hilarious, I must say,
your poem made my day.

The only thing that has saved me,
from legos and the mess I see:

A huge blanket on the floor,
has stopped this momma's roar.

The lego has to stay on it,
or we have a great big fit.

When done we dump it back in the big tub,
No legos for my toe to stub.