Friday, January 21, 2011

Is it really that easy?

As you may have heard, there was a small 'issue' with our fridge - as in it broke and our new fridge never arrived.

So after 12 long days without a fridge, our new fridge arrived yesterday.  I can't tell you how happy we are to FINALLY have a fridge, and not trek out to the freezing cold garage to get our food.

Now that we had our fridge, it was time to (as Chris put it): "go all Tara on their asses."  Yep, he actually has an expression for it (have you figured out that I'm the bad cop in this relationship?).  I lined up my story, made sure all my facts and dates were clear, and prepared myself  to argue (very forcefully) for some type of compensation.

I called the company in charge this whole fiasco, gave them my name and contact info and a 20 second synopsis of what happened.  The woman said she'd look into it and get back to me.

Three hours later she called back, admitted they screwed up and offered us $100 for our troubles.  That's it?  No arguing? No repeating my story to twenty different people?  No pulling the: "but I have four young children" card?  No demanding to speak to a manager?  No tearing my hair out and swearing under my breath?

It was that easy.  Hmmm....too easy.  Maybe I should have fought for more.....

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