I took the kids to the mall yesterday, and we were having a snack in the food court when Shannon piped up: "Mummy, why she biting her finger?"
After getting over my initial confusion, I realized that she was talking about this life-sized ad, which was plastered in the front window of a La Senza store:

Oh dear. I wasn't quite prepared to deal with this!
In my haste to come up with a reasonable answer I responded: "I don't know - do you think she's so hungry she's nibbling on her finger?"
To which Shannon responded: "NOOOOO!!!" as she giggled.
Then the two boys (Quinn and his friend Ryan) got into a discussion about whether or not it was a girl or a boy. Ryan's contribution was: "It's a girl because she has long hair and BOOBIES!".
OK - the floor can open up and swallow me now, because the only people around us were all in the above 65 set, and all promptly stopped their conversations to stare at us.
Thankfully, none of the kids could read, because then I would have had to explain what "pocket full of sexy" meant!
Sigh.... you gotta love advertisements these days!
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