Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I A Big Girl

Last night was a milestone in our house. 

Chris and I decided that it was time for Marin to move from her crib to her 'big girl bed'.  It's not a decision we had to make right now.  With all the other kids, they were 'forced' out of their cribs to make way for the next bambino.  Since Marin is the last of the bunch (I'm not even going to joke about the prospect of having another because really, it's not funny), we didn't have any pressing need to kick her out of the crib.

It was with mixed emotions that we decided that Marin was ready to make the transition.  And I'll tell you this, after eight years of having a crib somewhere in the house, it was rather bitter sweet to take it down and put it away for good. So last night we took down the crib, and brought in a double mattress and box-spring.  I guess it really wasn't a transition, more like: "Say good-bye to your crib-ie and hello to your big girl bed!" 

Needless to say - this caused some excitement in our house.  The girls were busy jumping up and down on the bed, and the boys were busy tearing around the house.  Of course, all the 'big kids' wanted to have a sleep over with Marin.  (ummmm.... yeah - not going to happen for a while my friends!)  Shannon was a bit perplexed, because she didn't understand why Marin wasn't sleeping in her room - after all, the two boys share a room so why shouldn't the two girls?!?!

After baths, a show and stories the moment of truth arrived.  Marin solemnly strolled to her room, and insisted that "Daddy put me in bed."  We tucked her in with all her stuffies, and she stared wide-eyed at us as we left the room.

And do you know what?  That little monkey fell asleep - and stayed asleep!  We actually had to wake her up in the morning!  Once she was up, she sat up in her big girl bed and said: "I a big girl now."

Sleeping cutie:

The two big girls dressed and ready for school this morning:

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