Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dear Neighbourhood Hooligans:

An open letter to the pre-teens and teens who have been roaming our neighbourhood on their BMX bikes (because I know they TOTALLY read this blog!).
Dear Neighbourhood Hooligans:

I wanted to write you a letter to say: "Thank You." 

Really. Thank You.

Thank you for helping me have the 'tough' conversations with my four kids who are 8 and under. 

Thank you for helping me introduce terms like: "Property Damage", "Vandalism", and "Hooligans."  You can't imagine how delighted I was to hear them yell: "Mom!  Our Christmas decorations on the front lawn are smashed!"  This lead into a wonderful discussion on the destruction of personal property by certain jerks.... I mean young kids.

Oh, and let's not forget how I had to gently explain to my crying kids that Santa would still be able to see our house, even if some of our decorations were smashed and no longer lit.  Because when you're eight and six, you believe that the best way for Santa to see your house from the sky is to have as many lights as possible decorating the outside of the house.

Thanks also for helping me teach them about the word: "Decapitated", particularly when explaining to them why the reindeer across the street no longer had a head.

And really, truly.... I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me teach my kids to check the driveway for tacks.  I know, I know, you thought it would be fun to throw rocks at the neighbour's parked car, and then follow this up by spreading tacks across his driveway.  Who wouldn't think that this was HILARIOUS?!?!  In fact, we've turned it into a game: "Who can go check for tacks on the driveway first?!?!?!"

In case you think I'm singling you out because you're kids.... we saw you.  Yep, after you decapitated the reindeer I saw you tearing off on your bikes.  The lady down the street saw you as she pulled into her driveway that was covered in tacks.  Unfortunately the police have more important things to do then chase pre-teens and teens.

So thank you.  You are living models of what I DON'T want my kids to turn into.

The lady with the smashed Christmas decorations in her yard.

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