Wednesday, February 1, 2012

On Being Marin

Marin, being the 4th child, often has to be extra loud just to be heard in our house.  She gets dragged to her siblings' activities (without complaint from her), but she makes sure that EVERYONE knows she's there.

She is our little Miss Personality that one.  She doesn't.  Stop.  Talking.  Ever.

Eating dinner?  She'll have a discussion with herself on the merits of carrots versus peas.

Driving in the car?  She chats away or sings songs, or suddenly bursts out with: "Punch bug, no punch backs on Mummy!!!"

Playing in the family room?  She talks to her babies and tells them exactly what's going on.

She talks so much (and so well), that we often forget she's not quite three yet.

That being said, there is such a thing as too much talking.  You'll often hear Chris or I saying: "MARIN!  Stop talking!!"

And yes, we often get strange looks from people when they overhear this.

But one thing's for sure, our little Chatty Cathy is the cutest little chatterbug there is!

(at Aidan's latest hockey tournament, cheering her heart out!)

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