Thursday, November 14, 2013

Remember waaaayyyy back when......

I'm so out of synch, I'm posting about a trip we took in August, in mid-November.  Oye!

Anywho,  around here everyone, and I mean everyone goes to Cedar Point amusement park.  Now Chris and I had never taken the kids to Cedar Point because we didn't think they were big enough.  This summer we thought, "why not?" they all love rides, so we bought tickets online and prepared to go for a daytrip.

The morning of our trip arrived, and we were all raring to go.  If only it were that simple.  5 minutes before we were about to leave, Marin threw-up.  Aidan turned to me and said: "Mummy, I think we're cursed when we go on fun trips."

Double oye.

Chris and I cleaned up the mess and tried to decide what to do.

"Can we go another day?" Chris asked.

"No - we don't have any more free days before school starts." I pleaded.

So we did what any good parents would do.  We loaded her up with Gravol and hit the road for the three hour drive to Sandusky.  Alas, the Gravol quickly came up within half an hour.  And the poor child puked every hour after that.  All. Day.

Yep, we kept a bucket and lots of plastic bags close, and Marin puked the whole way there, the entire time at the amusement park, and the whole ride back.  Our poor girl.

Here are the kids before we went into the park.  You can see Marin is in great shape.  The poor girl had a system down.  She'd crash in the stroller, and then lean over the side and throw up in the bowl.  She didn't get a drop on her or in the stroller.  :-(

Shannon and I going on our first ride.

Shannon and Quinn loved it:

And Marin rallied for a little bit, and managed to go on some rides.

And then she passed out on a bench:

The other three had a fabulous time:

We were stuck with one of those awful parenting decisions.  Ultimately, we decided that the other three shouldn't miss out.  Was it the right choice? Who knows.  The big three loved it, and if you ask Marin about it she smiles and giggles and said: "I puked the WHOLE day!"  Hopefully next year will be a better trip.

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