In our old place we could do it in an afternoon, and we would fill maybe about 5 - 8 bags of leaves. Not at the new place though! Yep, yesterday we were out raking and we filled (wait for it.....) 17 bags of leaves in ONE bloody afternoon! That doesn't include the 6 bags we put out last week, nor the unknown number of bags we'll put out next week. It was INSANE!!!! The one bright spot of the whole ordeal was that the boys (including Chris) had a blast jumping, diving, and somersaulting into the piles.
This week we're preparing for what else? HALLOWEEN!! They boys have their costumes all set, thanks to Nanna, and they're going to be the cutest wizards on the block. They are absolutely DYING to carve the pumpkins but we were so tired yesterday (thanks to raking all the bloody leaves) we had to push the carving off until today. Should be exciting!
Miss Shannon continues to grow, and grow and grow. She weighed in at a whopping 8lbs 5 oz last week, and measured 22.5 inches. That's our girl!!
As always, I have to include some pictures....

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