We continue to plug along in a sleep-deprived haze. Actually, Shannon has been a dream baby thus far. She only wakes up at night for a feed, and then heads right back to sleep. We're keeping our fingers crossed that this trend continues!
The boys are slowly getting adjusted to the new blob of flesh in the house. Aidan always wants to check on her, and just wants to 'help' whenever we're doing anything we her. Unfortunately, sometimes his idea of 'help' falls more into the 'hinder' category, but it's still cute! Quinn still doesn't know quite what to make of Miss Shannon. In general, I think his nose is a bit out of joint now that he's not the baby in the family any more. We're hoping that this too shall pass in time.....
We've been fortunate to have my Mum stay with us this week to help out. We're being very well fed (thank the gods!!) and she's even busy sewing Halloween costumes for the boys, and drapes for us. That's right, when you visit the Pace-James household you have to work darnit!!
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