On Friday we left Brigitte and Mac's place (and Omar!) and headed off to Mississagua for Liam's 6th birthday party. It was Shannon's first real road trip and she was a superstar - slept the whole way! Aidan and Quinn had a blast playing with Liam and Devan, and the party was a roaring success. (roaring being the operative word with 10 kiddos in attendance it was LOUD!!).
On Sunday Chris took Aidan to hockey and Aidan said the cutest thing. He said: "Daddy, sometimes before I go to Hockey I don't want to go. But once I get there I don't want to leave! I can't wait until we build our rink so I can practise!" I guess that means that this weekend we'll be busy building the rink! Hopefully the weather will cooperate this winter so that it will freeze!
I did a bit of Christmas shopping last week, and I have to say I just can't get into it. I'm not sure why - the kids are so excited about Santa coming, and about seeing all their relatives over the holidays. But for some reason I just can't get motivated to go shopping. It's probably the holiday crowds which are already INSANE!! Guess it's time I start really doing some online shopping......
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