Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Warts and Christmas trees - of course!!

We had an exciting day today. Aidan has had this 'growth' on his hand between his thumb and pointer finger. We suspected that it might be a planters wart, but were hoping that it would go away on its own and prove us wrong. Well, it didn't go away, and it was pretty big and nasty (oh the joys of the ailments of children!). I took him to the Doctor to check it out and sure enough it's a planter's wart and the Doctor recommended we freeze it off. So, he brings out the freezing stuff (yep - that's the medical term for it!!) and froze that sucker. Poor Aidan was so brave, he sat still the whole time even though it was burning like crazy. So that's treatment number one - we'll see how many more we'll have to go through before that nastiness is gone. But because Aidan was so tough (he obviously gets that from his mother!!) I took him for a tim-bit, and that made everything all better!!

And now to the Christmas tree part. I bought the boys a 6ft fake Christmas tree to decorate (since I'm so bloody anal about the real tree!). This afternoon Aidan decided that it was time to set up the tree (Quinn was conveniently napping so he knew he wouldn't be bothered by his pesky little bro!). So we hauled that sucker out and put it together, and then Aidan went hog-wild putting lights, tinsel, ribbon and ornaments on it. He's so proud of that tree, and keeps saying that he's the only one who's allowed to turn the lights on and off! Pictures to follow.....

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