Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hello 2008!

Happy New Year everyone!

We rang in the New Year early by hosting a family New Year's party. I lost track of the number of adults and kids once we hit 30! But, it was a great time spent with good friends and good food.

We woke up on New Year's morning to piles of snow (at least 6 inches) so we spent most of the day outside shoveling and building snowmen and snow forts. I waaaayyyy.... prefer snow to no snow, because at least with the snow you can do things outside. This morning the snow is still falling so I'm hoping we'll be able to take the boys sledding later in the day.

I've finally organized some of our Christmas pictures so here are a few for your viewing pleasure:

Quinn the rockstar:

This is a dangerous toy in Aidan's hands:

Meet Hugh Hefner, aka la Quinnster:

How cute is Miss Shannon?

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