Friday, December 12, 2008

Visiting with Santa

The kids and I were at the mall on Wednesday when they decided they wanted to go see Santa. Let me preface this by saying that in years past they always say they want to visit with Santa, and then once they see him they slowly back away shaking their heads. Well this year the walked right up to Santa, said: "Hi Santa" and then proceded to tell him what they wanted for Christmas.

Quinn was absolutely priceless. First he told Santa he wanted a chainsaw and an ax. To which Santa replied: "you're too small for a chainsaw and an ax! Maybe I can get you a pretend chainsaw and ax." Quinn then proceeded to ask Santa where the reindeer were. Santa's response? "Up on the roof Quinn."

The kids even agreed to take pictures with Santa! You can see from their outfits that I was not at all prepared for this - hence the grubby shirts and boots.

Shannon didn't quite know what to make of the bearded fellow, but at least she didn't scream bloody murder!

The sweetest moment came about half an hour after we left Santa. We were walking through the mall and Santa was walking towards us on his way for a break. He had an 'elf' and a security guard with him (because you never know who's going to go after Santa!) Well Quinn runs over and shouts out: "BYE SANTA!!!" as he waves to the jolly big guy. The security guard (who looked every bit like a big, beefy Secret Service Agent) stopped dead in his tracks, broke into a HUGE grin and said: "You know what - that's what makes it all worthwhile."

How sweet is that?

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