I know, I know - it's been a while! Last week seemed to fly by in a blur - mostly because it was just so busy and because we were sick.
Last Sunday Chris and I were out for the count with some type of nasty stomach bug. We pretty much took turns running back and forth to the bathroom (TMI - I know!) and were both lying on the couch for most of the day. Thankfully the kids were absolutely AMAZING! Shannon decided it would be a good time to take a three hour nap, and the boys were happy to amuse themselves in the basement for most of the day.
On Monday night Aidan came down with it and was up most of the night throwing up. Poor guy - it's been about 2.5 years since the last time any of the kids threw up, so he was so upset about it.
By mid-week we were mostly recovered and trying to catch up on all the last minute Christmas stuff we had to do. Friday was a MASSIVE snowstorm so the kids and I hunkered down inside and watched the crazy weather and the snow whipping around. When all was said and done we got about 6 - 8 inches of snow, followed by bitterly cold weather!!
Here are some pictures of our sledding excursion on Saturday - the one great thing about the snow is that the kids LOVE to play outside in it!!
Aidan discovered that if your snow boogie board is frozen, it won't go down the hill:
Even Quinn loved it!
Shannon (aka the snow-marshmallow) was less than amused to be outside all bundled up!
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