Thursday, December 24, 2009

Our Olympic Moment

The Olympic torch came through town today.  I decided quite a while ago that I would take the kids because I really wanted them to experience a piece of Olympic history.  I was really concerned about taking all four because of the crowds, but thankfully Brigitte came with me to help.  Thank goodness for her, because there's no way I could have done it on my own!!!

The first thing I realized when we got to the RBC centre, was that everything would be taking place OUTSIDE.  Bad, horrible, terrible mom that I am thought that it was going to be indoors, and as such didn't make the kids wear appropriate outdoor attire.  Poor little buggers were wearing their running shoes and pants - no boots or snowsuits!  Thankfully I at least made them bring hats and mitts so at least they had those.  But it was COLD!!!! I'm guessing it was at least -5 with a nice brisk breeze to make it feel even colder.

Even though they were shivering my little troops soldiered on and we got see the Olympic torch pass right in front of us! We were about 10 feet away from it and it was so, so, SO exciting.  To be a part of the Olympic journey is something I never thought I'd be able to experience.  I know the kids don't really understand it, but I'm hoping that when they get older they'll be able to look back and remember that freezing cold day when their crazy mother made them go and be a part of Canada's Olympic journey.

No really, it wasn't cold - yeah right!!!

Coke and RBC were the two big corporate sponsors there (we even got two collectible mini-coke bottles)

There it is!  I can't believe how excited I got when I saw the torch.  Norma Cox, a woman who has done a tremendous amount for our community carried the torch for the final stretch and lit the cauldron.

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