Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Apres Ski

This past weekend we drove up to Harbor Springs, MI to visit Chris' sister Heidi and her family.  As usual, the boys were chomping at the bit to visit with their cousin Robert, and Chris and I were looking forward to spending quality time with Heidi and big Robert.

The boys and Chris spent Sunday skiing.  And when I say they spent Sunday skiing - they spent almost the entire DAY skiing!  The weather was perfect, and the ski gods were looking down favourably on them as both boys had an absolute blast skiing down the hills. 

I'm a little concerned though, because Aidan informed me that he wants to move somewhere with mountains so he can ski all the time.  Hmmm... I'll get right on that buddy!

Monday was bitterly cold so we stayed indoors, and went bowling and then to a McDonalds playplace.  It's great that the kids are still at the age where a McDonald's playplace is all they need to be entertained!

By the time we got back home we realized over a FOOT of new snow had fallen while we were away.  Is it ever going to stop?!?!  Thankfully a snow fairy came and shovelled our driveway - including the plow poop!  Nothing tops off a great weekend then not having to shovel when you get home!

Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the boys skiing because I stayed behind with the girls.  BUT, I did manage to get a picture of the girls snuggling with big Robert - something they did all weekend!

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