Monday, February 20, 2012


I'm still struggling with the fact that yesterday was Aidan's 9th, (yes NINTH!) birthday.

It really shouldn't be a big deal because he's turned into such a grown-up little man (how's that for a contradiction in terms?).  Yet every year I struggle with the fact that he's getting bigger, older, wiser..... and that much closer to double digits.

This year he wanted to have his party at Laser Tag (again) and invited 9 of his friends to join him.  I love, love, LOVE Laser Tag.  You take a bunch of boys, give them guns and say: run wild, scream, and try to shoot each other - it can't get much more perfect than that!

He has such a nice group of friends the party was beyond easy.  Here they are - all set to go (of course Aidan has his back to the camera!)

The first game was kids vs. me.    I kicked their butts!!

A  break from Lase Tag - but only long enough to eat some cupcakes.

The birthday boy with all his loot.  Skylanders was the one thing he wanted - and he got it!

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