Sunday, March 11, 2012

Who Says 24 Hours Isn't Enough?

I'm having knee surgery tomorrow - which happens to be the first day of March Break.  Since I'm pretty much spoiling March Break for everyone, Chris and I decided to cram in a quick get away before I went under the knife.

Now when I say quick, I mean quick.  Aidan had a game in London on Thursday night, so we decided to take off straight from there.  That being said, we had to make sure we were back by Friday night, because Quinn and Shannon had hockey at 8:00 on Saturday morning.  (I know, I know, we could have skipped their hockey, but they've already missed a bunch of hockey due to Aidan's tournaments, so we didn't think it was fair to them to miss another one).

So how much can you do in 24 hours you ask?  Apparently our family can cram in quite a bit!

After hunting around to find a water park (the kids have been DYING to go to a water park), the only place I could find that was: a) available, and b) didn't cost ten million dollars, was in Blue Mountain.  It was called Plunge and we had a blast!  The had an indoor pool, a climber with slides and sprayers, a hot tub.....AND they had an outdoor pool with a twisty slide, another slide, a Tarzan rope, and a diving platform.

Yes, you read that right - an outdoor pool in the middle of a ski resort.  It was FANTASTIC!! We were swimming outside and going down the slide with a ski-hill in the background and snow falling on our heads.  As Shannon said: "This is the coolest place EVER!!!!"

The Queen of Sheeba on her 'chariot'
See... pool, slide, ski hill
The outdoor pool was sooooo warm, and the slide was a hit
Two happy cuties
After the pool, we got back in the car to drive to Kitchner where they have a children's museum which had a special hockey exhibit.  Unfortunately to get there we had to drive through white-out conditions, which aged Chris and I by about five years.  Aidan kept piping up from the back seat: "I can see the side of the road Daddy!!" To which Chris would reply: "Thanks buddy, but I can't see in front of the car."
Ummm.... Where's the road?
 But, we made it to TheMuseum and it was well worth the drive.
Quinn wanted to break the glass and steal this jersey!
Firing Shots
Shadow Dancing
 After a fantastic dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant (Pho Dau Bo for those who are ever in Kitchner Waterloo and are looking for great food!), our tired crew headed home.

And in case you were wondering, we were all up in time to go to hockey at 8:00 on Saturday.  Priorities people!!!!

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