Monday, March 19, 2012

Spectacular Seven

Our sweet,  smart, spirited, snugly, spunky, sensational Quinn turned 7 on Friday.  I know, I know.  I'm veerryyy late in posting this.  I'm going to cry knee surgery on that and call it a day.

His day started with him waking up in his new Angry Birds jammies and heading off to a hockey tournament.  He played two games, and in between and after the games he got to open his presents.  It was like a day long present fest.  He LOVED it!!

Then we took him to kid Nirvana: Chuck E Cheese.

As you can see, Quinn doesn't share his sister's fear of the big mouse:

Snuggling with Nanna and Nannu:

OK - I have to tell you the story of this balloon. When Quinn was redeeming his tickets it took him forEVER to decide which crummy little dollar store toy he wanted from the prize display.  The guy behind the counter was soooo.... patient with him, but had to turn around to help someone else.  Of course, that was the exact moment Quinn decided what he wanted.  He tried to get the guy's attention and finally ended up blurting out: "Ummmm.... MISTER!! MISTER!!!!"

The guy turned around with a huge grin on his face and said (totally deadpanning:) "Well, aw shucks son."  It was hysterical.  (OK as I read this, it doesn't seem as funny.  So you'll have to trust me that at the time it was priceless!).  Anyhow, he decided on candy, more candy and this balloon:

Once we got home there was cake to be had - and yes, we polished of the ENTIRE cake in one sitting.

All in all I think the little guy had a pretty awesome day.  And he's certainly pleased as punch to tell people: "I'm SEVEN now!!"

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