Aidan played travel hockey for the first time this year. Chris and I were both incredibly reluctant to have him go down this path, as travel hockey means more games, more practises, and (shockingly!) lots of travel.
Amazingly, this season was wonderful. Aidan was lucky enough to be on a team with great coaches, great kids, and great parents. Everyone keeps telling us that it won't last, but for now we are more than happy to enjoy 'the perfect' storm of hockey kids and parents.
For their last game of the season, the team was invited to play an exhibition game at Joe Louis arena. In case you're not in the hockey 'know', Joe Louis arena is the home of the Detroit Red Wings. Now let me be clear, we are NOT Red Wings fans (Go Leafs Go!!). That being said, the opportunity to play a game on NHL ice is still pretty darn unbelievable.
So we packed up the fam and drove to the arena. It was pretty neat to go in 'the players' entrance, and then have the kids shuttled off to the dressing rooms.
Needless to say, I took a few photos:
Hockeytown baby!
With his buddy Nick:
Not sure the girls understood what was going on, but they had a good time anyways!
Aidan (in white) taking the face off at centre ice:
He shoots! He didn't score on this shot, but he managed to get himself a goal during the game. He can now say he's scored on the Wings!!! ;-)
Go Aidan go!
The 'dream team':
After the game was done, they let the families come on and skate. How cool is that?!?! Here's Quinn zipping around:
And Ms. Shannon melted every one's hearts by skating around in her fluffy pink skirt:
On the way home we stopped at a FABULOUS restaurant called Brio. I highly recommend it if there's one in your area!
So all in all, it was a pretty awesome day. And this travel hockey thing? It was pretty darn fun. That being said, we're quite happy the season's over now! (at least for two weeks until 3 on 3 hockey starts!)
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